@ForumNinja is woking on the final edits and hopes to have something up on Monday
adent42Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PROPosts: 3,199
Hey all, the Tic Tac Toe should be ready next week. Since we're going to open source the GSTable PHP library from the meetup, we had to choose a license. I also had a few other things to clean up before releasing the example. I should have things ready by next week and I'll have it on github. It will be sparsely documented though, so we'll be adding documentation over time.
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Hi @RThurman I know this is a really old post, but I'd love to try my luck anyway. Do you still have the project file? It doesn't seem to be linked in this post?
Or I may be doing something wrong or not looking in the right place? Forgive me if I am, I'm super new here 🙈
@mstemigiwa -- I don't have a copy of that project file at the moment. It may be on an old backup drive somewhere. But I can't find it at the moment. The YouTube video is available though. It shows every thing in detail so perhaps you can recreate it from that.
Brilliant @RThurman, clear presentation for a tricky subject!
I came up with an almost identical solution for this little game
Where you multiply the primes, I built up strings patterns like #UDLR#, letters indicating the directions.
Thanks @Hopscotch
I just looked up your game. What a beautiful design! Thats exactly the kind of game I envisioned could be made with gesture recognition.
Will the video recording of this be posted?
i have a good one coming soon i turned my mic off when recording and higher resolution. i will make a separate discussion.
We will be posting one as well
@BlackCloakGS where is the stuff from the last one?
@ForumNinja is woking on the final edits and hopes to have something up on Monday
Hey all, the Tic Tac Toe should be ready next week. Since we're going to open source the GSTable PHP library from the meetup, we had to choose a license. I also had a few other things to clean up before releasing the example. I should have things ready by next week and I'll have it on github. It will be sparsely documented though, so we'll be adding documentation over time.
it is ok i got this one right here
@scottharrrules43 and @BlackCloakGS awesome thank you ...
Free Mini Games and Demo Templates
Okay, sorry for the delay. I present gstables-php. We'll be improving the project over time, but feel free to fork, update, and submit a pull request:
Thank you very much for this!!
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Hi @RThurman I know this is a really old post, but I'd love to try my luck anyway. Do you still have the project file? It doesn't seem to be linked in this post?
Or I may be doing something wrong or not looking in the right place? Forgive me if I am, I'm super new here 🙈
@mstemigiwa -- I don't have a copy of that project file at the moment. It may be on an old backup drive somewhere. But I can't find it at the moment. The YouTube video is available though. It shows every thing in detail so perhaps you can recreate it from that.