Actor Disappearing ?

SikkJewFroSikkJewFro Member Posts: 75

So, In my game, there is an upgrade menu that allows players to click the item and have it upgrade.
My specific upgrade is a "Wooden Pick" upgrade, each time you click it, it's price goes up about 200$. It maxes out at 5 purchases right? So to indicate it was maxed out (And to make it look cooler) In the last rule for the upgrades, I put
"Spawn Actor > Maxed In front of" Now it worked.. sort of. When you buy all the upgrades it shows it on top of my previous screen to block the actor behind it out.
(Quick visualization, the upgrade is a 361 long and 71 high bar with a red color, and the Maxed actor is the same dimensions just a solid black color with the words "maxed" in it)
Now, after it shows up like I want it to, I click my back option (An arrow actor that when clicked changes scene to initial scene) and load the shop BACK up, the actor is gone, is there some "save actor" attribute I don't know of? How do I keep it loaded on top of this after they max it out, please help! :/


  • DuesDues Member Posts: 1,159

    I would reccomend to use change image instead of covering your image with another actor. So when your condition is met you just change your image to maxed out.

    So for ex. When your attribute game.wooden pick is equal or greater then (any number you want)
    Change image to "maxed out".
    In the otherwise tab
    change image to "wooden pick"
    That way when your game.wooden pick attribute is less then (the number thats maxed out) it will change image to "wooden pick"

  • SikkJewFroSikkJewFro Member Posts: 75

    @Dues said:
    That way when your game.wooden pick attribute is less then (the number thats maxed out) it will change image to "wooden pick"

    I tried, but theres a problem with that, I have multiple things behind my opaque layer, the opaque layer is the dimensions I mentioned and is used so that the player can click anywhere within that region to buy it, now since it's opaque, changing the image will change it to the Maxed image, but it will be invisible.

  • SikkJewFroSikkJewFro Member Posts: 75


  • tiger27tiger27 Member Posts: 127

    Try, instead of using an opaque layer, making the wooden pick that you click to upgrade a single actor, that way, when the actor is maxed out, there won't be a layer interferring with the changing image.

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