Adding Timed Score?

SikkJewFroSikkJewFro Member Posts: 75

So, hopefully some of you have heard of the evil Cookie Clicker Game.
I'm making my own .. lets say "Little sister" of it.
Now, I want to have it so that when they buy and item, it adds +2 to game.score every 1 second.
Now, I tried the following but failed:

New Rule
When Touch is Released
if game.score >= 10
Change attribute
game.score to game.score-10
Every 1 seconds:
change attribute
game.score to: game.score+1

And it didn't seem to work.
In case that was hard to understannd,
It's checking for if the player has the 10 points required to purchase, if true, it should
activate that timer for every 1 second to reward the game.score with 1 point.
Though I've tested this and it doesn't seem to work. Any way to make this happen?:/


  • imjustmikeimjustmike Member Posts: 450

    Might be that you haven't got run to completion checked, but I wouldn't do it that way.

    I'd create a new integer attribute called bonus_score. When touch is released, changed bonus_score to 2. Elsewhere have a rule that says if bonus_score>0 timer:every second change score to score+bonus_score

    When the bonus score= 0, nothing will happen, when it is 2 it will go up by 2 every second. This way you can also increase the multiplier without creating new rules.

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