Drone Wars (for iPhone and iPad)- Released

Hideki MatsuiHideki Matsui JapanMember, PRO Posts: 82
edited May 2014 in Announce Your Game!

I'd like to show you my new App "Drone Wars" that has been released on May 29th.
I'll be happy if you play and review it!
Needless to say, it's a free App. Thanks.


It's a multi-directional shooter.
With only one finger, you can easily control your drone to move, turn, and attack massive enemies.
Move around all over the playfield, and shoot 'em up!

1. Use the virtual touch wheel to control your drone.
2. Use the radar (looks like a spotlight) to shoot enemies.
In spite of the direction, your drone will shoot enemies on the radar automatically and preferentially.
3. Get bonuses to touch ripples, but do not forget that ripples are the sign of enemy appearing.

Score Attack:
Score as much as you can in 90 seconds with 4 lives.
You will get extra time 15 seconds in each 50000 points you score.

Time Trial:
Score 300000 points as fast as you can.
When you get 300000 points is the goal.

Music by D'elf - http://www.d-elf.com/
♫Ancient Ocean


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