APK not zip aligned error message on Google Play

blagdonappsblagdonapps Somerset, EnglandMember, PRO Posts: 37

Hi. Newbie here. This is my first post!

I am trying to upload my app to Google Play store, and having trouble in uploading the APK. I have tried to upload the signed and unsigned apk's, however i keep getting the following message.

Upload failed
You uploaded an APK that is not zip aligned. You will need to run a zip align tool on your APK and upload it again.

I have tried again to sign the apk again through the creator and it seems to be pointing to the correct directory for the zipalign.exe

I am using windows 7? I have a working APK on my phone which I have used for testing and works fine. Am I going wrong somewhere?

Any help will be much appreciated!


  • iskenderiskender Member, PRO Posts: 10

    Im having the same problem and trying to figure out. So far no result. I am wondering if it is possible to publish to google play with using windows creator

  • blagdonappsblagdonapps Somerset, EnglandMember, PRO Posts: 37

    I managed to do it in the end. My problem was zipAlign was not working correctly. I had to reinstall Java 6 and the android SDK and then made sure that i had gamesalad pointed to the correct directory when i signed the app via gamesalad creator I also created a new keystore. If you follow the cookbook for windows creator 6.4, 6.5 and 6.8 to make sure your pc is set up correctly, you should be able to sign off you apk correctly. if you have any more problems then just ask, and i will try and help.

  • iskenderiskender Member, PRO Posts: 10

    Okay i will install everything from beginning lets see how that goes. Thanks for your answer mate

  • iskenderiskender Member, PRO Posts: 10

    This is what i get after installing everything. Still dont know what im doing wrong

  • blagdonappsblagdonapps Somerset, EnglandMember, PRO Posts: 37

    It could be a number of problems. Did you download JDK 6? Google play does not seem to like JDK 7 and newer! It took me about a week of messing around, uninstalling and reinstalling Java and the SDK, and searching google to get it to work.

    You can create a keystore and zip align your apk manually and that is what i have been doing recently rather then going through the creator.

    Not sure if you can put links on the this message board but if you google Scirra.com How to sign and zip align your android app There is a very good step by step guide on there. Good Luck!

  • iskenderiskender Member, PRO Posts: 10
    edited June 2014

    Found the solution dont download Java 64 bit go with 32 bit and dont do the step in the link that was the problem on my side
    (6.5 of windows creator)

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