Actor changed to animate, how to change back to image on scene reset??

Hey, so I have an actor (a faded star), and when the player picks up the star, I have the image change into a non-faded rotating star animation. But, when the player goes to try the level again via "restart" or after they've completed the level, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to change the animation back to the static image it first started off as (a faded star). There's no option to "remove animation", or whatever you may have. Ideas? THANK YOU!!


  • JodyMitomaJodyMitoma Member Posts: 307

    Hmmm, very weird. I even tried setting an attribute change for when the player pics up the star.

    Change Attribute - if "player" pics up "Bronze Star" change "Game.BronzeStar" to True.

    Then on level reset I even have Change Attribute "Game.BronzeStar" to False.

    And of course, I have "animate" only when "Game.BronzeStar" is True!

    How is it, that it still animates when I set a perfect attribute change right there? lol. Grrrr. Damn animation problem. :P

  • JodyMitomaJodyMitoma Member Posts: 307

    Alright, figured it out. Put a "Change Attribute to Game.BronzeStar to False" in the "Else" section of when the Player Collides with BronzeStar actor.

    I'm so sorry - just disregard any of my future posts lol... O.o

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    Yes debugging can be tricky. Logic design is a very precise art.

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