newbie question, with atributes and tables

bufteabuftea Member Posts: 43


I am learning GS logic and I have simple set up that doesn't work as I want it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong

This is the set up:

I have 3 actors:
Actor 1;
Actor 2;
Actor 3;

I have 2 attributes:

availableOrNot - this is a boolean - value : 0;
rowIndex - this is an integer - value : 0

I have a table:

Table1 - has 1 column of booleans with 100 rows

Actor 2 rules:

Display text : availableOrNot

Actor 3 rules:

Display text : rowIndex

Actor 1 rules:


for: every 1 second (run to completion)

do this:

change attribute availableOrNot to tableCellValue(game.Table1, game.rowIndex, 1)


change attribute rowIndex to rowIndex+1

I hit Play and Actor 2 and Actor 3 show the number 0. And that's it. I was hoping to see a count up in Actor 3 and 0 and 1 in Actor 2 based on what I checked in the table

I have even pressed the Off button at the first change attribute rule . I've hoped to at list see the count up. But nothing, just 0.


  • bufteabuftea Member Posts: 43

    Sorry for the false alarm. I got it to work properly. Apparently I didn't actually insert the attributes in the Display text for Actor 1 and Actor 2. It was showing 0 in Backstage and I assumed that it was ok. But it wasn't. I actually inserted the number 0 in Display Text for both Actors.

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