Hi guys! Please do check out my first game on the iOS App Store title Head2Head Basketball. :)

KrizarlKrizarl Member Posts: 9

Hi everyone! I recently had my game published on the app store. It's titled Head2Head Basketball. It's a same screen multiplayer game on the iPad. I made 3D actors from Blender3D to get a 3D effect on my game. I'm sorry if I have to charge it $0.99 because I can't afford the GameSalad PRO for now but if my games gets me enough money for a pro subscription, I would definitely get it immediately. Please bear with the ads on it. Anyway here is the link to the app store.

App Store link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/head2head-basketball/id873473979?ls=1&mt=8

Head 2 Head Basketball pits player against player on an action packed battle. Battle it out on the same screen against your friends!


Play head to head on the same device with your friend!
Automatic blocking or manual blocking to defend!
Play a 2 minute or 5 minute game!
Shot clock timer to keep the pace fast!

SCREENSHOTS: https://facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152376618219734&set=pb.835709733.-2207520000.1399895526.&type=3&theater


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