Make character start animation when button is pressed.

Uppy83Uppy83 Member Posts: 5
edited May 2014 in Working with GS (PC)

Hi, sorry if this is in the wrong place but I am very new and would love some help.

Basically I'm trying to get my character to play through an animation once when a button is pressed (wave his arm in this case), I've created the animation.

I created a boolean in the game tab called "isClicked" and told Gamesalad to set its value to true when its clicked.

The problem is, from there I cant figure out how to do this:

If isClicked = true, start arm animation.

As I said, I've set up the animation which is just 3 frames but when the button is clicked......nothing.

I've been trying to figure it out for hours so any help would be appreciated.

See attached piccy

Thank you


  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    edited May 2014

    You need another rule in your character actor that says

    when attribute.isClicked = true

    -animation behavior with your art-

  • Uppy83Uppy83 Member Posts: 5

    I could have sworn I had tried that. I as figuratively tearing my hair out (at one point, almost literally). But it works now. Many thanks.

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