Bug : Game Salad crashes on Dashboard Template Selection - Windows 8

EremisEremis Member Posts: 0

Bug Description :

In Windows 8 open GameSalad Dashboard, when you select a template and try to Load Project, GameSalad Crashes. Heartbreaking for people who want to learn ,make games and try out this software on windows 8 ,7.

I noticed this error has also been report last year ( January 2013 ) in this post :sweat_smile: :

Apparently it hasn't been fixed yet. I'm not sure how many people are facing this issue but I'm pretty sure it is preventing them from evaluating this software. Some of whom might go PRO!

OS - Windows 8 ,7
Game Salad version - version:

Steps to reproduce crash:

  1. Open Game Salad
  2. Go to File -> Dashboard
  3. Click New project
  4. Select a template
  5. Click Load project
  6. Crash!

Here is the screenshot of the crash (Windows 8):

photo GameSalad_Crash_ss_zpscbbb99f2.jpg

Here is screenshot of what stack trace (error log) i could find on Windows Event Viewer (Windows 8)

photo GameSalad_Crash_ss1_zps9ed950be.jpg

photo GameSalad_Crash_ss2_zps59069b5f.jpg

Hope this info helps get this bug fixed. Really looking forward to use this software.

Thanks & Best Regards

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