How could i make my score +1 every time he runs into a spawned enemy?

Hello everyone. I just need to know how to '+1' to my score every time my main actor collides with an enemy spawned actor (the enemy spawns from the same enemy at the right hand side of the screen).


  • MarsStudiosMarsStudios Member, PRO Posts: 40
    edited May 2014

    When actor collides - Actor
    Change attribute to attribute+1

  • BigfriendlygingerBigfriendlyginger Member Posts: 2

    ive tried that but it didnt work i think this is because im spawning the actor from the actor before it and not spawning a new actor but thanks anyway

  • EclipseGamersEclipseGamers Member, PRO Posts: 91

    when actor collides with (spawned) actor-

    change attribute from score to score+1

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