Playing around with isometric design

StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989

Trying out game style ideas. 'Playing' with the isometric camera in cinema 4D...


  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598

    I like it @StormyStudio‌ I have been tinkering with an isometric design too I really want use it in an app.

  • CodeMonsterCodeMonster ACT, AustraliaMember Posts: 1,078
    edited May 2014

    yeh, im also working abit on my isometric graphics to, i think im getting pretty good. i really think i did a good job on the grass aswell @StormyStudio‌

  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    edited May 2014

    @lycettebros‌ .. great minds.

    @CodeMonster it's quite beautiful. . . I just can't get my angle to match yours... I think the world needs a CodeMonster tutorial video.

    inspiration... a cool isometric game boy vid just seen on Vimeo.

  • mataruamatarua Auckland, New ZealandMember Posts: 854
    edited May 2014

    @StormyStudio‌ reminds me of Ant Attack ~ some barren buildings in the outlands :)

  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    edited May 2014

    @matarua yeah it does it bit.

  • mataruamatarua Auckland, New ZealandMember Posts: 854

    @StormyStudio‌ it also kind of reminds me of Greece.

  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    edited May 2014

    Not sure what this game would be... yet.. (mix of c4d and photoshop) ... it needs some people...

  • HopscotchHopscotch Member, PRO Posts: 2,782
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    edited May 2014

    Damn you @Hopscotch I was trying to keep it secret...

    Edit: (Whoops... forgot the unicorn horns...)

  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    edited May 2014

    Hmm... it's reminding me of something but can't remember what... if I tried to recreate this in GS, trying to maintain most of the shadows and reflections would be 'interesting' for any moving actors.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,379

    Any time isometric comes up all I can think of is the old Batman and Head Over Heals games for my Amstrad. Those are just begging to be cloned.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited May 2014

    @StormyStudio said:
    Hmm... it's reminding me of something but can't remember what...

    Green object, black / grey floor / isometric / refections . . . . I have a candidate for what it reminds you of . . . :)

    @StormyStudio said:
    if I tried to recreate this in GS, trying to maintain most of the shadows and reflections would be 'interesting' for any moving actors.

    Shadows are very straightforward with isometric projections - if your lighting is also isometric (parallel rays) shadows don't move in relation to the actor, regardless of where the actor moves - so they will behave like any other static element of the projection, just render / paint the shadows where you want them . . . and that's it !

    It's unusual to use a non parallel light source with isometric (although there are no rules against it!) - doing so is mixing up two projections and might cause you a few issues.

    The rays don't need to be coming from 30° or 60° (or whatever projection you are using) - they just need to be parallel.

  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989

    @socks great scot I think your right. Didn't mean to step on your toes. My game idea doesn't actually involve cubes so think we're OK. :-)

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @StormyStudio said:
    socks great scot I think your right. Didn't mean to step on your toes. My game idea doesn't actually involve cubes so think we're OK. :-)

    Lol, don't worry :)

    P.S. I love your C4D grass.

    **[runs off and copyrights cubes as a concept]

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited May 2014

    @StormyStudio said:
    socks great scot I think your right. Didn't mean to step on your toes. My game idea doesn't actually involve cubes so think we're OK. :-)

    P.S have you played Monument Valley, it's about the shortest game you might be able to imagine, you can complete it - every level - in a couple of hours, but visually it's great, with some real isometric head twisting perspective tricks, I think you'd love it, check it out.

  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989

    Cool, I'll take a look for sure. (when I get back from an Irish adventure).

    ** runs and copyrights reflections

  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    edited May 2014

    Made a little test scene in GS.

    Which spawns a grid at the given size.

    One problem I want to overcome is the ability to touch and highlight individual grid squares. The touch areas for the actors overlap as they're built up with textured square actors. So when you press one square two are normally selected.

    The only thing I can think is to work out the math to check if the touch X and Y is within the the given area of the actual textured diamond shape.

    Or change it so instead of spawning the full grid (which is a little bit overkill for what I want) a highlighted actor for each grid square could jump into position if the x and y touch falls within the area. Hmm...

    @Socks, thanks again, finally getting round to downloading Monument Valley now...

    I didn't realize it, but its the game my wife has been hiding away and playing on her phone for the past couple of days.

    Edit: @Rthurman (s) Collision Detection For Odd Shapes in the Spare code thread looks like it'll help.. :-)

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @StormyStudio said:
    One problem I want to overcome is the ability to touch and highlight individual grid squares. The touch areas for the actors overlap as they're built up with textured square actors. So when you press one square two are normally selected.

    I'd simply make the collision shape circular, it worked really well for something I needed to do with selecting iso tiles, negliable overlap.

    Or change it so instead of spawning the full grid (which is a little bit overkill for what I want) a highlighted actor for each grid square could jump into position if the x and y touch falls within the area. Hmm...

    A simple way would be to spawn a highlighted grid square (isometric diamond) at a grid quantized value of touch X,Y. . . . So on touch spawn highlight at (floor(mouse.x/40))*40 . . . (Or whatever the maths would be).

    Socks, thanks again, finally getting round to downloading Monument Valley now...

    I didn't realize it, but its the game my wife has been hiding away and playing on her phone for the past couple of days.

    Yeah, it's very cool, not sure it's the greatest game in the world, but the design is really nice.

  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989

    @Socks thanks for the reply mate.

    I got Rthurmans code working and it works perfectly (so big thanks to him for sharing that)... but the circular collision shape might well be less processor hungry... the simplest of ideas but makes sense.

    I making it so player is able to choose a target destination (diamond) and the path is highlighted from the hero to the target, which they'll then be able to approve or cancel. So I guess I'll do some testing at some point to decide which route works best either having the grid squares as individual actors already spawned ready to be turned on, or spawning (moving) the highlights to position when required.

    Fun fun fun.

  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989

    Next thing to tackle...

    Devising a way to have the game figure out the most economical route to take to go from point A to B, whilst also knowing to go around any obstacles.

    I think it could get fairly processor heavy if the grid was too big, as I think it will need to play out the various routes to get from a to b...

    Be nice once it works though.

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