Game Centre: Group Leaderboards

natclarkenatclarke Brisbane, AustraliaMember, PRO Posts: 243

I am setting up a game centre into my games.

On the initial scene

I have an on and off button to turn it on and off. With post score behaviour: Logs Score Attributes and Group Leaderboad id

View button: Show leaderboard behaviour

End of game:
Show Leaderboard Button with Show leaderboard behaviour

I have set it all up in apple. When you click the Show leaderboard when testing the app, The leaderboard does appear and shows the other apps in the group.

But when you click the app in the leaderboard. It says:

"unable to load data due to network connectivity issues or errors".

Is there are step I am missing?

Will it only log the score when the game is live?



Nat Clarke
Life Cleansing


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