Wheels to control an actor
Hey there folks,
I'm working on a game at the min that requires an actor to be controlled by two spinning wheels (they don't move around just rotate). I want these wheels to follow the players finger when they're touched, like you were winding in a fishing reel. However I want one wheel to control both the up and down, y position and one wheel to control both the left and right, x position.
So, if you turn the first wheel clockwise the actors y position decreases and if you turn it anticlockwise it increases. And the same can be said for the second wheel just on the horizontal plain.
I've been through the cookbook and have tried now an array or various rotating constraining vector to angles etc but can only seem to get each wheel to control one direction with any sort of functionality.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Like an Etch-A-Sketch?
Yes exactly like you'd use an etch a sketch.
As you wish!
that's amazing, thank you so much !!!
Glad its going to work for you.
As you can see, setting x,y coordinates is a piece of cake. But getting a knob to rotate and behave nice can take a little finesse.