my very first game made with game salad now in the appstore.

I finally published my very first app to the app store, Space Master Game. Which to me is the biggest achievement in my life so far. I would of loved to give it for free but i'm not a pro member yet, so please support me so i can make my future games free.

and if you guy's have an app tell me so i can play/buy it.

This is a great app for passing time and is addicting. The game is about a space ship that ends up in a planet and you have to survive for as long as you can. by destroying enemy spaceships that get in your way, but that's not the worse enemy. The red logs will destroy your space ship instantly, and cause you to lose. luckily you have the option to upgrade your spaceship with the money you collect during battle. also keep track of data by saving and loading and add your name to the game.

Hope you enjoy the game and there will aways be new updates with new features.



  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685

    Welcome to life as a dev and congrats. People don't tend to download and test/rate games on here unless they are free or you provide promo codes. If you want some feedback (good and bad) then log in to your iTunes account and generate some promo codes and put them on here for GS users to use and provide any feedback. Some screenshots in your title will also be nice! Just my thoughts and well done @Ultracube_Apps‌

  • Ultracube_AppsUltracube_Apps Member Posts: 11
    edited April 2014

    thanks you, and i did not know about promo codes. that's something i'll try but how does it work? @gingagaming

  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685

    Promo codes are a way to let other people download your paid game without paying. So people like reviewers, friends etc. you get 100 codes per UPDATE. Just log in to your account with iTunes, select your app and follow the instructions in your iTunes dashboard to generate how many codes you want. Every time you want more codes just log back in and request more. It's a good way to get feedback on your game edit hour making it free.

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