WWDC 2014 Scholarship App Video

HalfBakedProductionsHalfBakedProductions Member, PRO Posts: 248
edited April 2014 in Non-GS Game News

Hey all,

Recently (aside from my projects in GameSalad), I decided to apply for a Scholarship WWDC, Apple's 'World Wide Developer Conference' that will be held from June 2-6. As part of the requirements, I had to make an app in Xcode, showing my accomplishments. The application was a perfect entry point for me to start learning Obj-C, and I can't wait to see what else I can do with it.

Embedded below is a video showcasing my app, which was created entirely in Obj-C.

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Half Baked Productions

EDIT: For some reason some of the HTML is seen in the post text. I'll try to clean that up if I can


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