Level unlocking
Hey all,
I have posted in here a few times and have had some amazing help with this but I am still a little stuck and need someone to really go into detail about how to complete this.
I am making your typical game and have level screen. On that screen I have 15 buttons all of which are a different level and when clicked on, take you to that scene.
I need to lock all the levels except the first. Then once level one is complete, level two is unlocked etc...
I have watched tshirt booth's video. As helpful as this was, he has one button set up for all his levels and I have a new button for each instance. There are subtle differences that are not allowing his video work on my game; one of which is he's on a Mac.
I have made 2 Integer attributes in the Game tab. One called CurrentLevel and another called UnlockedLevel. I have then placed a 'WhatLevelAmI' Integer on each of the level buttons and made them their respective levels.
I have then gone into each level and (I think this is where I went wrong) on the object that allows the level to be complete, I have also put a WhatLevelAmI on and put in respective level numbers.
I have put a 'change attribute' at the top of that object as well so straight up it says CurrentLevel is WhatLevelAmI. Then were it says (on that same object) level complete, I have tried to put in something to say unlocked level is WhatLevelAmI +1.
None of the above is working. I can still click on every level. Nothing is locking and I don't know how to sort it...
I someone could please go into a bit of detail on how to tackle this, that would be so helpful!
I got a better idea. I'll make a demo level lock and unlock for you. It'll be later in the day before I get to post it.
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In the mean time, check out this video -
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Alright, here is a working level lock and unlock system built with the Windows version of Creator. Hope it helps.
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@Braydon_SFX I now have the levels all sorted. They are locked except the first.
My only problem now is making the next level unlock when completing the level.
Here is my rules:
When object A collides with object B
After 2 seconds
Spawn Actor - (level complete sign)
Play sound - (level complete sound
Change table view
Table 1
Row - self.WhichLevelToUnlockNext
Column - 1 Value - 1
Save Table
Table 1
After 2 seconds
Change Scene - Home Scene
I have duplicated this is both Instance and Prototype. It isn't unlocking level 2 after returning to the home screen.
What would you recommend?