Member Posts: 504
Torch is my coolest game yet! you guys can check it out on the gamesalad arcade! there are thirty sweet levels. I would appreciate if you guys would go play it and leave me some feedback on what you think.
Thanks a lot!
I like it!
There's some nice pacing there e.g. the introduction of new elements.
Unfortunately on level 7 (I think - the second level that has the disappearing red ball) I got the ball's energy down to 0 but the game did not progress.
Other than that, I did enjoy giving this a quick go. Grats
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Same as @quantumsheep I also managed to get the enemy health down to 0 but could not proceed, think it was the same level. Here's what I could see:
Other than that, I was getting rather addicted
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Thanks guys, I'll try and fix that level, if you want to play further. (by the way levels 28 and 29 have actors that replicate endlessly, so dont let that break anything.)
I cant figure it out. I looked at the code, and tested the level in question, and it worked fine, so really sorry guys,i f it doesn't work