Public Bug Database (Updated 5/1/2014)



  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610

    @BlackCloakGS I submitted a ticket 4777 on the 23rd of April and got a reply. I worked on it for a few days and replied back. I got nothing back so I submitted a new ticket 5176 on the 8th of May referencing 4777 and got no reply so I submitted yet another ticket 5573 referencing 477 and 5176 on the 28th of May and still no reply.

    Can someone please get back to me?

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    The image deletion bug is still present in 10.0.3 . . . . I got it occasionally when attempting to delete audio in 10.0.3 but now I am getting the issue with images just like it used to do in previous versions . . . . highlight a file, hit delete, it is not removed, but other files you had not highlighted are deleted . . . couple this with the way GS handles images and trying to remove whole images sequences can really screw up a project with no way of going back or undoing the erroneous deletion (due to the way GS deletes images instantly, so reverting to saved is no help).

  • unbeatenpixelunbeatenpixel Game Developer Member, PRO Posts: 568

    If I use -change velocity and I use game attribute(integer) for -Speed-. It can't realize speed number.I have to write one by one to every change velocity behaviours.

    Also,like other topic,Does anyone has gamecenter leaderboard problem?After new stable version.

    Check out my games on the App Store!

    Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze

  • The Boss Gamer 385The Boss Gamer 385 Member Posts: 5

    Using change velocity and change attribute is like the Smash Hit hack. Take a look at it.

  • HymloeHymloe Member Posts: 1,653
    edited June 2014

    @The Boss Gamer 385

    I don't see the relevance or usefulness of your video post. It feels like a waste of time, and shouldn't be on this thread. But maybe I'm missing something.

    Bear in mind that this thread is here as a way to report useful bug information to Game Salad so they can fix issues and make Game Salad better.

    That video does't seem to be supporting that purpose, and indeed detracts from it.

    Let's keep things on topic, please.

    And while I'm here, many of the bug reports above make very little sense to me, and are very hard to follow.

    Please try to take the time to clearly articulate the bugs you are reporting, and include some step-by-step information (or links to sample projects) that show the nature of the bug. That way Game Salad can actually reproduce the problem and get to work fixing it.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @Hymloe said:
    @The Boss Gamer 385

    I don't see the relevance or usefulness of your video post. It feels like a waste of time, and shouldn't be on this thread. But maybe I'm missing something.

    Yep, agreed, I've always thought this thread should have been moderated, with irrelevant posts cluttering up the thread deleted.

  • NimbleBugNimbleBug Member Posts: 483
    edited June 2014

    @codewizard @blackcloakGS What a tragedy life was my Apps IAP is not working ,because of some issue with Apple or Gamesalad , And Said that it takes time to fix.So to live life i need some money right ...i started using Ads in my games Revmob
    and chartboost...

    Chartboost only shows startup ads no interstitial ads..(with only startup Ads i can earn $0.00000000145)

    Revmob is better it is showing ads, but loading time increase by 20 times with out ads it takes 1.5sec,with ads it takes 20-25 seconds.(so i cant use Revmob).

    so Apple is rejecting my Apps.....

    Then i was think what to do ...then i was realised i have pro membership i can release my Apps in Android...Wow..

    But Android doesn't have problem...i compromised my self (Android users don't spend money on IAP).So i will us Ads to earn ...then what ...?

    so i published my apps for android and checked Awesome its perfect...then added Revmob and chartboost...again by bad luck takes huge time to start..and shows black blank screen,it takes much more time to load..some time it shows only black obviously used thinks my App is with virus or he thinks aha ...crappy App uninstall it .

    so no other ways to earn money again.Gamesalad Blocked All the Ways

    Gamesald People,This release has Great features , super optimization ..Awesome Tables... we can make awesome Apps without coding ,But without working IAP,Ads.
    no use.

    Waited 2 months with these problems least fix Revmob and Chartboost . As you guys said Apple IPA is not in your hands,some thing Apple has changed.

    And please..don't say "These problems are not from our side some thing wrong in Revmob and Charboost."

    Gamesald Apps Developer

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @Hymloe said:

    Another post (above from madhanlab) that will help bury this thread's actual bug reports under pages of general complaints.

  • NimbleBugNimbleBug Member Posts: 483
    edited June 2014

    @Socks Sorry if you don't understand what i am saying from above is :

    1)Chartboost only shows startup ads no interstitial ads.(for Ios)

    2)Revmob and Chartboost increasing loading times by 20 times .(for Ios)

    3)Revmob and Chartboost not working in Android Taking too much time to load and showing black screen(for Android).

    4)IAP is not Working for Apple from 2 months .

    i think these all are bugs not irrelevant posts right ?

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited June 2014

    @madhanlab said:
    Socks why my bug reports looking silly and irrelevant posts for You...

    Quote where I have said your 'bug reports' look 'silly and irrelevant' and I will respond.

  • NimbleBugNimbleBug Member Posts: 483

    @Socks sorry if i misunderstand from this"

    "Another post (above from madhanlab) that will help bury this thread's actual bug reports under pages of general complaints."

    "My mind is not working...invested huge money on making Apps because "I love Gamesald"Easy to learn and Powerful to make Apps with out much coding Experience"
    But from few months because of these bugs i am getting mad."

  • sniffy176sniffy176 Member, PRO Posts: 48

    Chartboost seems to have a negative impact on an actor in the next scene after it has shown an ad, that has interpolate movement on it. For example, I have an actor that simply moves to a predetermined Y value on the screen at the start of the scene, this works perfectly until you put chartboost into the equation. Now if the scene has just come from an advert, the interpolated actor doesn't show up on screen at all.

    I was delighted to discover this after almost a months worth of work...

  • InovaTechInovaTech Member Posts: 161

    If someone is interested on some money$$ help me fix this game issue please:
    I will happily deposit $30 into your bank account if guide me to the problem issue fixing

  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610

    @ForumNinja for some reason the support page won't let me login, I can login everywhere else but there. When I go to open a support ticket it opens the form in another tab but it has me logged out and won't let me log back in.

    @BlackCloakGS I will lodge it here and hope you or someone gets it;

    In the attached zip file there are two projects open "Scroll Fault" and click Preview and press the Right arrow key to start scrolling. You will see a gap open up between "Grass Bg Four" and "Grass Bg One" actors. There are no gaps between the other actor combinations just these two no matter how long it runs for.

    Open "Scroll Fault work around" and scroll until "Grass bg Two" text is touching the left edge of the scene and tap either the Up or Down arrow key. This moves "Grass Bg One to the back of the queue. This time there is no gap between the two actors.

    I have watched some old tutorial videos and this has been around for a long time. Is it a GS bug or something I am missing?

  • RedRoboRedRobo Member, PRO Posts: 682

    @Braydon_SFX said:
    Importing more than one image in the latest RC causes Creator to crash.

    I know that in Windows v10.4 if you try and import a long image sequence and the Media view setting is set to anything other than thumbnail it will crash. Try again using list view instead....worked for me :)

  • HymloeHymloe Member Posts: 1,653


    If I use the DISPLAY TEXT behaviour, and have some text right aligned, and try to space it inwards a bit by adding "spaces" on the right hand end of my text, it DOES space inwards on the Mac Creator, but on device, the words do not space inwards, and are drawn too far to the right.

    This has been happening for some time. And it causing me big headaches with releasing an update to my game.


    To test...
    1. Create a white actor.
    2. Add DISPLAY TEXT behaviour, and put in the text "TEST " with spaces on the right hand end.
    3. Test in the Mac Creator, and it indents the text towards the left a bit.
    4. Test on device, and the text does not get successfully indented. It just draws at the very right hand edge of the actor.

    Expected behaviour:

    • The text should include the "spaces" on all devices and viewers, allowing the user to indent the words using space characters.
  • HymloeHymloe Member Posts: 1,653

    In my example, I have an actor which is say, a border for a button, and the text is displayed on the same actor. So I want to indent the text which is right aligned, so that it is in a bit from the right hand edge. Currently, this can be done successfully when the text is left aligned. But for right aligned text, it is ignoring the extra spaces I add on the right.

    It used to work properly.

    It now requires an extra unnecessary actor added on top to place the text properly, which is a waste of resources. Bug should be fixed.

  • kipdevkipdev Member Posts: 275

    Yea chartboost ads were showing in my apps before and now its just blank screens for a couple seconds. Anyone have luck with revmob?

  • HymloeHymloe Member Posts: 1,653

    @Hymloe said:
    In my example, I have an actor which is say, a border for a button, and the text is displayed on the same actor. So I want to indent the text which is right aligned, so that it is in a bit from the right hand edge. Currently, this can be done successfully when the text is left aligned. But for right aligned text, it is ignoring the extra spaces I add on the right.

    It used to work properly.

    It now requires an extra unnecessary actor added on top to place the text properly, which is a waste of resources. Bug should be fixed.

    Could I please get a confirmation that this bug has been registered in the bug base, and acknowledged as a bug?

    Since the "Report a Bug" link seems to have disappeared from the GS site, I have no way of knowing if my bug reports are actually being noted and acknowledged.

    I need this bug fixed ASAP, and I'd like to know it's on the list.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,135

    @Hymloe‌ we've moved things around some, the bug reporting form is here:

  • IMakeGamesLikeThisIMakeGamesLikeThis Beaverton, OregonMember Posts: 64

    I'm not sure if this will happen to anyone, but feel free to test it yourself. I've noticed that you cannot open a copied game file.

    1. Open a folder where you have a GS game file saved (any .gsproj file should do this bug, I believe...)
    2. Copy the game file and paste it in a different location (I'm not sure if it will work if you just paste it in the same folder as the original file is in)
    3. Double-click the duplicate file (the one that you copied) to open it.

    Expected results:
    ... Sort of straight forward, really. You expect GS to open with the game.

    What really happens:
    GS opens, but it remains at a white blank screen with nothing on it. The game does not open, but the program (being GS) opens.

    BTW: I'm using Windows 8.1 if that makes any difference.

  • IMakeGamesLikeThisIMakeGamesLikeThis Beaverton, OregonMember Posts: 64

    Another bug. Sometimes when you leave the test room and return to the editor, if you had made a change (let's say you deleted an actor) and you attempt to undo the last change (being the deletion of the actor), it undoes a seemingly random action instead of your last action.

    1. Add few actors in a room.
    2. Delete an actor (any change should work, but I figure this would be the easiest and quickest to do).
    3. Play the room.
    4. Return to the editor.
    5. Undo the last action (the deletion of the actor) using the shortcut (Ctrl + Z).

    Expected result:
    Simple. It should undo the deletion of the actor.

    What really happens:
    It deletes a seemingly random actor instead of the actor you had just deleted. I'm not sure if it undoes a certain action or if it is a random action, but I am sure that it can be annoying, so it would be nice to see it fixed. :)

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390
    edited July 2014

    @IMakeGamesLikeThis said:
    Another bug....
    It deletes a seemingly random actor instead of the actor you had just deleted. I'm not sure if it undoes a certain action or if it is a random action, but I am sure that it can be annoying, so it would be nice to see it fixed. :)

    @BlackCloak This has been the case since 2nd May. It is still the second item on the Bug List at the beginning of this thread:
    CS-258 Removing images deletes wrong image.

    This is very annoying because I import multiple images for testing and then before a final AppStore build I delete all the redundant ones, except now the builder deletes images I am using and breaks the game. I spend a great deal of time back tracking and adding the correct images, checking scenes and testing the game again and again. If I leave all the redundant images there it bloats the file size in the final build.

    A fix would be really appreciated.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @adent42 said:
    Hymloe‌ we've moved things around some, the bug reporting form is here:

    Is there any point posting a bug in this thread any more, no one from GS really comments on anything we post (it's been 79 days (!) or 2 months, 2 weeks and 4 days between your post and the last post from someone at GS), it's not updated at all often, the last update was over 2 months ago, I'm not sure there was ever an appetite from GS for a public bug database, it took a lot of pushing to just get this thread going, but now it feels decidedly abandoned by GS, does it still serve any function, do you act on the reports ?

  • IMakeGamesLikeThisIMakeGamesLikeThis Beaverton, OregonMember Posts: 64

    @PhilipCC said:

    At least I'm not the only one who is annoyed by this little devil.

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    @Socks QA is looking at this thread on a daily basis and make sure we have a corresponding bug in our data base. Still need to work at updating this thread.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @BlackCloakGS said:
    Socks QA is looking at this thread on a daily basis and make sure we have a corresponding bug in our data base. Still need to work at updating this thread.

    Cheers for the reply :) good to know the posts get read, the thread just felt a little abandoned.

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390
    edited July 2014

    @BlackCloakGS‌ I hope that once we have a Bug/Issue Database we can stop wasting your time, and the other GS Team Members' time, with all these threads of issues spread all over the Forum, as well as multiple Support tickets over known issues.

  • HymloeHymloe Member Posts: 1,653

    Agree, although this thread MAY work, without any real feedback, it has a feeling of futility and ineffectualness about it. I just want to report official bugs.

    That being said, it is nice for people to be able to comment on each other's bugs here. But yeah... Good to hear there is a bug reporting page again somewhere now. I'll have to check it out some time.

This discussion has been closed.