PlayHaven integration
Member, PRO Posts: 0
Hi, i have recently created an iOS game and i am looking for play haven ads to be displayed in it. I am a Pro user, i have clicked services followed the instructions of filling in the tax forms but the services tab doesn't change in gamesalad. The app currently flashes black for about half a second where an ad should be but then continues through the game. My questions are:
Should the gamesalad services tab change once i fill in the tax form?
Where do I find out how the ads are performing?
Should the app be flashing black for half a second? (i think not!)
Thanks in advance for all your help
this is what i did and it worked:
1) filled in the tax form
2) on my gamesalad project where i used a change scene behaviour, i ticked enable advertisement
3) In the publishing portfolio, i ticked play heaven intermission ads
personally i think playheaven ads are a joke, i only use them because apple is a piece of some bad words i cannot name, and currently wont let me sell apps, use iaps, or iads due to Australian laws.
this is why i have to use playheaven