Converting From a .app to a .IPA
Hello All,
I've reached a point in my very first game development that I would like to start Alpha Testing and allow my friends/family to take a look at my game. However, Starting to look at becoming an apple dev, I learned about their hefty $99 fee and at the moment I don't think my game is worth the investment.
So i started looking around and noticed a site called TestFlight. This seemed like a good way to have my new app be able to reach those I wanted to see it, however I ran into another problem where the file type needs to be in .IPA instead of the gamesalad file.
i started searching and found this on the forums,
However for some reason this program is also not working well for me. So I have no idea how to convert my file to .ipa and upload it to TestFlight. =/
I am in no way trying to circumvent Apple's TOS, so if what I am trying to do is against anything then please someone let me know. I just want to be able to test my app on the actual Iphone without paying $100 for something I was originally making just for free and fun.
It was a major set back for me when i saw the $99 fee, I was extremely exited to finish my project and get it on the App store for my friends and family to see my first game, then I just kinda got slapped in the face with the realization that my hard work went to waist.
If anyone can help with this please do so.
Thank you,
Best Answers
colander Posts: 1,610
As far as I am aware you won't be able to build/publish or install a game on an Apple device without a Developer account. You need Provisioning profiles, etc to publish an app.
As for you Testflight question, create a folder on your desktop and put your Ad Hoc build (.app) in it. Right click and choose Compress, it will create a new .zip file on your desktop. Change the extension to .ipa and your good to go.
colander Posts: 1,610
That's because you haven't published you game on the GS Publishing website. You can't use .gameproj files on a device. You have to get a Developer account and publish it first as a .app file.
Edit: I got the same error when I compressed and uploaded my .gameproj file by mistake.
jonmulcahy Posts: 10,408
you click the publish button in GS, this uploads it to the website
once it's there and everything is filled in, you click the generate app button
when that is done, you click on the sign app button, this downloads the app to your machine and signs it. It will save the app file to where ever you want.then you drop that file into a folder you create called Payload, and compress the folder to a zip file. rename it to a .app file and upload that.
there's a bunch of youtube videos walking you through the entire process out there should you need help.
colander Posts: 1,610
This will walk you through the entire process and as Jon said there are a lot of vids on the subject.
I've tried this and each time i try to upload it it tells me that it can't find the info.plist and if i am sure it's a valid .ipa file.
'Invalid IPA: could not find the info.plist. Are you sure this is a valid IPA?'
this is what it says
oh! thank you! so i just download the game off the gs website to get the .app file?
I am doing all of this properlly, however every time i try to upload the build it just comes back with the same answer that it can't find the info.plist.... however i looked inside the file and i can clearly see the info.plist when it's unzipped. =/
it appears that I will be forced to have a provisioning profile, and i need to make an Ad Hoc... which requires me to pay the $99 to apple... sigh oh well, alot of work for nothing i guess. Thank you guys for all the help.