Is 1 Game Over Screen with a Retry button for Multiple Level Scenes Possible?

aquamonkeyaquamonkey Member, PRO Posts: 36

Is there a way to set attributes for a Retry button actor on a pause scene to change scenes appropriately to whichever level the player failed? For instance, I have a Game Over pause scene with a retry button that changes to the initial scene while resetting actor positions and the score back to 0 (because it's the first level). Do I need to have a different Game Over scene for every level (since a different Change Scene action needs to occur in the retry button) or is there a way to minimize that?


  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934

    It is possible but it is also complex. Though with the new scene change expression behavior it should be a little more simple.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited March 2014

    @tenrdrmer said:
    It is possible but it is also complex. Though with the new scene change expression behavior it should be a little more simple.

    @tenrdrmer Its not complex its very easy, knocked up a quick demo for you.

    I see your a pro member so all's good :)

    Complete actor is unlocked to take advantage of changing the game WhatLevel to the scene names (named 1-3) as we use change scene at index.

    Press on complete actor to go to next level and press on fail to test out going to a fail scene and back to the previous level.


  • aquamonkeyaquamonkey Member, PRO Posts: 36

    @DeepBlueApps thanks for your help. To have you and @tenrdrmer‌ respond so quickly is an honor. I opened the zip file but was not able to open the MenuHelp.gsproj file…says it has 0 bytes. Am I missing something? I'm picturing what you are describing though, which sounds slick, but I'm excited to see your demo!

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692

    Strange i just downloaded and played it, if your not aware we have a few new version of creator here

    Like my friend @tenrdrmer says Mac or PC?


  • aquamonkeyaquamonkey Member, PRO Posts: 36
    edited March 2014

    I'm using the latest version for Mac, 10.4.1

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692

    Download the Release Candidate from here and enjoy :)


  • aquamonkeyaquamonkey Member, PRO Posts: 36

    @DeepBlueApps‌ thanks a ton for your time in making that demo! As my father-in-law tells me, "You're a scholar and a gentleman, there aren't many of us left!" Changing a Game Attribute to a Scene Attribute by unlocked actors is something that you've just taught me. I didn't see that I could access the Change Scene "At Index" in the latest stable version of GS rather than using the Release Candidate version, but that will make things so much easier when that's released! That said, thanks to you, I was able to figure out another way to do it without Change Scene "At Index". It just adds a rule for every scene that the player can retry. Yes, that can be a lot of rules if you have lots of scenes, but I like that's it's all under one Game Over scene still. I've attached my demo in case you or anyone would like to see and share how to make it better. I will certainly use your method once "At Index" comes along.

    -In the fail button (unlocked actor in scene), I changed game.WhatLevel to scene.Name.
    -In the retry button of the Game Over scene, I added rules to change to different scenes based on WhatLevel (scene names: 1, 2, 3, etc.)


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited March 2014

    Your welcome glad i could help (although my days on the forum seem to be coming to an end as the mods have put me in jail).


  • aquamonkeyaquamonkey Member, PRO Posts: 36

    Shame on the mods! Why would GS not want someone, willingly helpful and talented, to contribute?

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