Question about a bug

B1984B1984 Member, PRO Posts: 91
I have a simple score menu, a jpg that covers the screen, and I decided to replace it with a slightly different image. I added a new image with the same name, and it asked me if I wanted to replace the old one and I said yes like I have with every other image that I've replaced. Now my game has lost all control features.

I'm sure I can fix this... but why would it do this? How can a scene totally unrelated, and something as simple as an image change, affect all the game mechanics like that?


  • PixelPunPixelPun Member Posts: 324
    Welcome to GS. Stager your saves when you are working so that when something crazy happens like that you can go back... it happens a lot.
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    I'll add this from my post at

    It bears repeating that if you are working with a single file you should instead be saving multiple versions of it so that you can avoid this sort of issue. Any files on a computer can become corrupt... GameSalad files seem to have a somewhat higher rate than other files but it's just a part of using computers. By the time I've put in months of work on an app, I have hundreds if not thousands of copies of the file, each with an incremented version number (1, 2, 3, ...) so that if anything goes wrong I can just go back a version and continue working. I know that doesn't help you with this project file but it may be helpful in the future.

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  • B1984B1984 Member, PRO Posts: 91
    Thanks for the tips.
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