HELP! Boolean doesn't change every time.

thekidinbostonthekidinboston Member, PRO Posts: 10
I start the game out with attribute LEVELACTIVE boolean set to false. When you click the start button, the value is set to true. After 10 seconds the boolean for LEVELACTIVE is set to False. WHen the Boolean is false, it spawns the start button again. and repeat.
So when the game begins, since the boolean is false, then the start button is there. That is good. Click it, it is destroyed. Then after 10 seconds the value changes back to false. CLick the button. the button is destroyed and the boolean is true again. It is then that the boolean is not changed after the 10 seconds mark as before. It just stays at boolean value true.

Seems to be a consistancy issue with the boolean or timers. Not sure.



  • KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291
    Just out of curiosity, Why are you spawning and destroying the start button and why is your timer set to 10 seconds??? Just curious!
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited February 2014
    Post a screenshot of your rules. Both booleans and timers are pretty rock solid.

    Also check to make sure neither your spawner nor your start button actors are unlocked. To check, double-click on each actor on the scene.

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