Multiple crashes

bds62bds62 Member Posts: 31

I got GS 2 or 3 days ago. In that time span the engine has crashed no less than 10 times. It doesn't seem to have a cause as I can pretty much be in the middle of doing anything. I didn't mind it at first but now that I'm getting a lot further into my game it's presenting a problem because even though I'm frequently saving (learned my lesson after the 1st crash) when I reopen it's as if I hadn't saved.

Let's say for example, I place 10 actors on screen, do their coding if needed and adjust size, let's say this takes 30 minutes. Now, I save about 4 or 5 times during that time period. When GS crashes and I reopen it's as if I did nothing those past 30 minutes - all actors are gone (though it usually always saves any imported sounds or graphics during that time) from stage and it's as if I didn't save those 4 to 5 times.

I really enjoy using GS in contrast to Flash for building games and I'd hate to stop using GS as I've already become extremely addicted to it and am having fun with it.

Any ideas what could be causing all these crashes and save deletions? As I said I can be doing completely random things and it happens. BUT, mostly seems to happen when trying to change selection focus from one element (attribute, layer, renamnig layer etc) to another (actor, attribute, layer etc).

Thank you.


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