Forgot :( to use Pro account

macewanmacewan Member Posts: 214
Paid for Pro account almost a year ago to the date. After buying the Pro account last year my life got complicated & I never went back to use it. Now I'm ready but it's about to expire. Help.


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    Time to purchase another year...

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  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    Been there before. That sucks dude. It's like having tickets to an awesome concert you can't make it to or forgetting to put away some delicious ice cream the night before. Hate to waste.

  • jamie_cjamie_c Member, PRO Posts: 5,772
    Indeed, sucks to have wasted a couple hundred dollars but not much you can do about it now... :(
  • macewanmacewan Member Posts: 214
    No comment from staff so I'll just have to chalk it up to life lessons. Perfect end to a terribly confusing year.

    Learned to meditate last year. Interesting world it opens up. :-) 6'ish or so months into it I experienced "spontanious kundalini awakening" except at the time I had no idea such a thing existed. Wasn't trying to awaken it to begin with. ;-)

    Go 'google' kundalini at Youtube to see what this event does to people. Their descriptions are spot on correct. Feels like - don't laugh here - a physical object appears directly between your thighs ( just below your private boy parts) which then grows to a softball sized ball of energy. This happened several times at first.

    Then one day this softball sized ball of energy felt like it turned into a... not sure what but it went from down there through my body and out the top of my head. Scared the living !@#$% out of me. Though I'd been attacked by an alien, ghost or something. Immediately (another don't laugh here moment) ran - after a bit of trying to stand straight - down stairs to tell my wife. Guess I thought something seriously bad had happened and that a medical event may follow.

    Remember I was just meditating on a daily basis. It wasn't until months later that I stumbled across Kundalini awakening experiences. awakening experiences&safe=off

    Yeah, it's that freaky an event. At least I had an answer though. After it had happened I stopped meditating out of fear of being 'attacked' again. I got depressed blah blah blah. :-/

    So after hitting across this thing called Kundalini awakening on Google I pointed my browser over to Youtube to see what people were saying about this. Apparently this spontaneous awakening happens whether you want it to or not. Some people try for years to make it happen. - my advice to them is take your time ;-)

    Check out what others experienced. awakening experiences&sm=3

    by the way - all the strange things people say about odd experiences - life changing - world view altering realizations - yeah, they do happen during meditation

  • macewanmacewan Member Posts: 214
    Went ahead and bought another year of Pro :-)
    Time to purchase another year...
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    You probably should have contacted support its clear at least by forum activity you where inactive on the forums at least for the last year. They can probably view publishing activity and if there was none they probably would have worked with you a little.

    People don't understand the forums are nearly the worst way to actually contact GameSalad. You have to use customer support if you want actual contact with GameSalad staff.
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    You'll be the first person who used GameSalad to get out of a meditation habit. Not the other way around. ;)

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  • macewanmacewan Member Posts: 214

    Really? Wonder if they'd say the same if those folks have ever experienced night terrors, sleep paralysis or the life altering Kundalini awakening & not be affected at least short term? I'm talking unexperienced first timers without prior knowledge these event if exist. Without cheating with mother nature helpers: shrooms, mescaline , dmt, ayahuasca, Ibogaine...


    @tatiang said:
    You'll be the first person who used GameSalad to get out of a meditation habit. Not the other way around. ;)

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