CobraBladeCobraBlade Member Posts: 97
edited February 2014 in Tech Support
Since the stable build still has depreciated API within (QuickTime apparently?) I'm force to try my luck with the Nightly build However, I've already discovered that my game created with this build isn't very obedient when it comes to closing it. If you try closing it with the red cross you can still hear it in the background... so there is a good chance it'll be rejected anyway. Any news on when the QuickTime API will be ousted from the stable build?


  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    Not sure what your talking about with QuickTime (why would that be involved I anything?) but it's the advertiser API that's an issue and it's in both builds. Keep unto date by reading the weekly state of gamesalad:

  • CobraBladeCobraBlade Member Posts: 97
    If I try to submit an app to the Mac App Store using, it'll come back with an error saying it was rejected for having depreciated QuickTime API, the build seems to have that all sorted out... but seems to bring its own little problems to the table like the closing issue mentioned... so that's my interest in the stable builds catching up to the current nightly. Thanks for the links though.
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    game salad has made major changes to their code base. This can cause conflicts and issues. Best practice is to faithfully report the bugs and they make a priority list and fix them. Yes this takes time as they have a very small staff but they do get worked out. Welcome to the world of evolving software but as a longtime user I can tell you it's 100 times better than it was before codewizard got here. He's been running things less than a year and has made more progress in that time than his predecessors did in five years.
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    Ok Ill have to say this.. Maybe I was wrong... maybe this stable version isnt so stable. So when we talk about them having such a small staff. Then I have to fall back to a previous curiosity. If they are so short staffed and still have all these issues thats making it hard to get apps approved, engine performance, lagging, etc etc. Why would they even consider 3rd party addons and features before dealing with their own internal coding problems? I mean having extra features is nice and all. But you cant tint the windows if you dont have windows. You wouldnt want to waste time and money tinting windows that already have cracks. So every moment in the GS office that dealt with 3rd party stuff like advertising features that failed. Those minutes and hours and mind power could have been put to use on fixing stability issues.

    USER: Hey GS! Why are you over in the paint isle. When we are trying to find the right spark plugs and cables? And why would you buy those pretty seat covers? When we dont even know if we are going to have bucket setting or not. And whats up with the fuzzy dice? We have to have a rear view mirror to hang them on first.

    Just some healthy constructive feedback.

  • CobraBladeCobraBlade Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2014
    Bug has been reported as suggested.

    I guess patience is a little harder to come by when it comes to subscription based services rather than the traditionally purchased game creation options out there, since time is literally money. But heck, I've just spent over a year on this so don't see myself switching game engines now. :p

    Plus, as mentioned GameSalad is making great progress, so might as well hang in there, it ain't gonna kill me to do so. :)
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