Move To... Bug?

montimirkomontimirko Member Posts: 4
edited November -1 in Tech Support

Using the "Move To" Behavior I notice a strange occasionally bug...
if I run the game, it works but... once in a while, Actors with the "Move To" Behavior don't stop moving...

for example:
"If Counter = 1" ->
"Move Actor To 111(x) - 123(y)" "relative to scene"

"If Counter = 2" ->
"Move Actor To 123(x) - 234(y)" "relative to actor" - "run to completion"

"if counter = 3" ->
"Move Actor To... etc etc

they do their job.... but... once in a while (restarting the game or re-running the game), they don't stop moving and go out of the screen (one time moving to left, one to right... one other they go up or down...)

Other behaviors do not affetc the actor's "move to" behavior (such as gravity, collision, other actors etc...) and I moving at the same time only 4-5 actors....

It's my fault or it's a strange Bug?



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