@quantumsheep Thank you that means a lot I think I'm going to take off the ad after you finish a game mode just so there is one when you first launch the game!
Cool - I think it just particularly annoyed me on the 60 second mode - the whole point i is that you're against the clock, and randomly it seems you're penalised with a huge full screen add that you have to make go away while time is still ticking below it! :O
EDIT: Also, I love that the game is under 1MB in size! Nice one
Hey gameSalad, can you help spread the word of Splotch. I wanna beat out that fake Red Ball Bouncing Spike game thing with real downloads. Please and thank you!
EDIT: Also, I love that the game is under 1MB in size! Nice one
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
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How do you guys like this new update? Should anything be changed? Please let me know!