It a script I made for sign in and register. And the register part does not work, i made it based off of this webpage. I changed everything that need to be changed I believe.
Only just caught this: terrific stuff, Jon; I'm mightily impressed. I've "Awesomed" your first post of this thread.
(It's all a bit beyond my "old-fashioned" brain tho'... )
thanks! it was a lot of fun figuring out. have not really touched it since then though I have plans for it in my new game, but I have not quite hit that point yet.
@Prisma_Comunicazione it definitely works, I and many others have got it going. It is not easy and any little mistake will stop it from running and it won't tell you where you went wrong you just have to keep going over it until you find it. I read the whole thread and posted some of the issues I had and fixes I found for my scripts.
Ok, i've found what's wrong (some error on the php editing) and now it works (more or less).
But...this is really the only way to use the network behavior with GS? Is impossible to store data in a txt file or something like that, without a mysql database? I mean, something simpler?
you can do whatever you want with it, that's the beauty of your own server. You are stuck with whatever GS sends out, but any sort of manipulation / storage process you can think of should work as long as you know how to code it.
As someone who understood the php side right away - I'd love to understand more the game saladside and if there was a way for the tables in memory to be viewed in the debugger - etc.
@dylanwoo said:
As someone who understood the php side right away - I'd love to understand more the game saladside and if there was a way for the tables in memory to be viewed in the debugger - etc.
You can make a scene that lets you preview a table in game for debugging. I made a free template tool called GS Tableizer, essentially it spawns a grid of actors and each one displays the appropriate table cell data... it also lets you scroll vertically and horizontally. Damn handy when tackling any multiplayer or table based stuff.
I just wanted to say thank you. Thanks to your "inspiration" and based on the tut i created an Utilities App with Gamesalad like 5 times faster than i would do in Xcode. The App itself is in it's final steps and currently running QA and LQA Tests. But it's gona be released soon. Thanx a lot again.
I used your concept to make some kind of mobile Dashboard for various Online Services and even realized an Mobile Admin for OpenCart Online Shops... but the same princip can be used for any CMS... or anything where Databases are involved. It has currently 5 PHP Scripts that parse and combine 15 JSON sources.... and send them as a table to the app, depending on what is needet. Would someone be interested in a complete ready to use project like this?
@jonmulcahy, can you take a look at my php script?
Is the guide on the first post still valid? I've followed it step by step, but for me it's not working.
I've even tried with the php example that you can find in the coockbook (, but again, the callback attribute remains 0, nothing happen.
I'm using the version of GS and MAMP for the local server.
thank you
what's wrong with the script?
@Prisma_Comunicazione what's happening? It should still work fine. check the server logs on your local server, many times you will see errors there.
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
It a script I made for sign in and register. And the register part does not work, i made it based off of this webpage. I changed everything that need to be changed I believe.
you are in waters I've never been in before
I've never done any sort of registration system with PHP
maybe if you posted your server logs something might jump out.
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
Only just caught this: terrific stuff, Jon; I'm mightily impressed. I've "Awesomed" your first post of this thread.
(It's all a bit beyond my "old-fashioned" brain tho'...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
thanks! it was a lot of fun figuring out. have not really touched it since then though
I have plans for it in my new game, but I have not quite hit that point yet.
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
I'm right there with this - does anyone have a sample of the get working on a really simple file?
@dylanwoo i have a sample project and php file in the first post
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
Thanks Jon - I saw my problem - I was using the wrong file and the JSON structure was different! Thanks!
I had grabbed the wrong php for the project I downloaded.
@jonmulcahy I forgot to awesome your op done now. Great work
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
@jonmulcahy mmm...nothing happens, GS don't send or get anything. If you say that it should still works, I'll try again. Thank you.
@Prisma_Comunicazione it definitely works, I and many others have got it going. It is not easy and any little mistake will stop it from running and it won't tell you where you went wrong you just have to keep going over it until you find it. I read the whole thread and posted some of the issues I had and fixes I found for my scripts.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
ok, I'll start again from the beginning. thank you
Look at the apache / php logs , they are invaluable in troubleshooting
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
Ok, i've found what's wrong (some error on the php editing) and now it works (more or less).
But...this is really the only way to use the network behavior with GS? Is impossible to store data in a txt file or something like that, without a mysql database? I mean, something simpler?
you can do whatever you want with it, that's the beauty of your own server. You are stuck with whatever GS sends out, but any sort of manipulation / storage process you can think of should work as long as you know how to code it.
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
someone tried (and succeeded) to do something with the php example from the cookbook?
As someone who understood the php side right away - I'd love to understand more the game saladside and if there was a way for the tables in memory to be viewed in the debugger - etc.
You can make a scene that lets you preview a table in game for debugging. I made a free template tool called GS Tableizer, essentially it spawns a grid of actors and each one displays the appropriate table cell data... it also lets you scroll vertically and horizontally. Damn handy when tackling any multiplayer or table based stuff.
I've managed to do a simple send/get table, writing it in a txt file. Everything is on my web site server, so nothing special...but it works.
I think that can use this system to update some file on my app (items, texts and other things)...
The GS file is actually empty when i download it. Is there another link to get it ?
@Neovamp I just downloaded the project and it loaded in NB254
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
how are you downloading it? It's a zip file and still downloads fine.
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
With chrome. When i unzip it i just have .xml files and a test.gsproj which weighs 0ko
Ok my bad i just had to rename the ext's folder with .gameproj
I just wanted to say thank you. Thanks to your "inspiration" and based on the tut i created an Utilities App with Gamesalad like 5 times faster than i would do in Xcode. The App itself is in it's final steps and currently running QA and LQA Tests. But it's gona be released soon. Thanx a lot again.
I used your concept to make some kind of mobile Dashboard for various Online Services and even realized an Mobile Admin for OpenCart Online Shops... but the same princip can be used for any CMS... or anything where Databases are involved. It has currently 5 PHP Scripts that parse and combine 15 JSON sources.... and send them as a table to the app, depending on what is needet. Would someone be interested in a complete ready to use project like this?
P.S.: The whole project works in 5 Languages ;-)
awesome! I'd love to see a video or screenshots of how it works
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
Here you can see one of them nearly done.
Unfortunately I'm not progressing as fast as i wanted to, as i am still designing a lot for my racing game. So just a little bit more patience ;-)