Game Salad Wizard Installer not working on my computer or my brothers HELP!!!

Well, yesterday i downloaded the Game Salad Wizard. And on the first part it says next, so i click that it takes me to these 2

[] .Net FrameWork 4.0 Found: Nothing
[] Windows Installer Found: Something

And it says i have to download 4.0, but i allready have 4.0 and it makes me tick it and i click next... and then 5 hours later a popup comes up saying We can't connect to the internet. So I close it and open it at the start instead of installing them i clicked skip and clicked finish. It took me to another one and say Agree i pressed yes, then it said next so i clicked it then a bar shows up saying:

Please wait while setup wizard installs gamesalad game creator ect,
[ ] <--- the loading bar

Then another 2 hours later instead of loading a popup came up and said:

A connection with the server could not be astablished

So I click ok and copy the link and open it, On microsoft its not real????!??! So can someone please help!
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