More rotation problems: load screen -- first scene different

design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
edited November -1 in Tech Support
So I just got an update to Tickle Stones out.

And the load screen (custom) loads in one orientation only... okay fine, but when the first scene come on, it is upside down and it will not rotate automatically until I flip the phone over. Then it rotates fine. Shaking doesn't work either. Very annoying. Also, it's got the loading spinner is in the upper left corner of the load screen instead of the lower right like the first version.

Rotation works fine in all scenes after this initial problem. The orientation of the custom load screen was the same as in the original version.

Another less critical issue is the link to the app store for our company is throwing this error on the iPhone "Cannot connect to the iTunes Store" after opening the app store. I've tried the link on the computer and it works fine.


  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    Oh, by the way, if anyone wants a code, let me know and I'll post a few.
  • Member Posts: 99
    Code: about the rotation problem or the url call?
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    I'm not sure what you mean Carlos?
  • guru-at-zidwareguru-at-zidware Member Posts: 369
    Hi....I had same issues...for linking from GS to iTunes URL...this direct method works great and is suggested by Apple. Try it out.

    For Company App Store Link

    For Specific App Product Page Link

    For Link to the Web

    Please send a code for your app as well...!

  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    Ah, I'm not sure where to find email addresses in GS, so here are a few codes. I'll post more if these go.


    Thanks for the links guru!
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    Anybody have any thoughts on this rotation issue?

    I just looked at "Volcano Eruption Disruption" since I know it was published under GS .85, and it is sort of behaving the same way, except the load screen begins in the traditional GS orientation with the loading spinner in the lower right. Still, the load screen doesn't auto rotate, but at least the game starts in the same orientation. If I turn "V.E.D." up side down while loading, the first screen WILL NOT auto rotate until it is turned over once... same as mine.

    So it seems like the big issue is my load screen is loading in up side down. WTF?

    Please, GS team, I'd like to know if you have a solution... to get out another update.
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    So I see on the GSPro forum that this is a known issue acknowledged by GS. I'm not finding it here.

    How did Volcano Eruption Disruption get around this? Is GS putting their own load screen upside down now?

    Please GS, give a little feedback on what I should do to fix.
  • Member Posts: 99
    I say about your sample code. Is it about the url call or about the screen rotation problem?
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    Oh, I see what you mean Carlos. I was talking about promo codes for anyone wanting to grab the app.

    Not really any code to share, that's not where the problems lie.
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