Our New Music Game - check it out, have a play!

Hey Kids,

Will here; developer from Werdamouth. We're a cool new platform that enables anyone, anywhere to share music with their own record store. There are 3 levels players progress through with cash prizes for the 'store' who manages to generate the most downloads of their featured artist's tracks. Once users reach the 3rd level there is a £30,000/year job with us up for grabs, or, £25,000 a year paid out over 12 months.

So if you're into new music, or gaming, have a squiz at our game - we'd love your feedback on the UX, learnability, etc.... plus you can land some cash for doing so.


Please note: this is a legit game, with legit industry heavyweights behind it, with legit cash prizes to be won. (up to £250 weekly). Again, ANYone ANYwhere, is welcome to participate

Thanks guys :)


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