downloading gamesalad "express"

MicaturesMicatures Member Posts: 2
edited November -1 in Tech Support
When I go to activate member ship it doesn't download a new gamesalad software.
Is it suppose to download a new software. Because I thought when you bought it you could test out your app. Another question is when you buy gamesalad "express" does it only let you be able publish.


  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    If you already had gamesalad installed then that's it. No new install. You may need to install the iPhone ipad viewer if you don't use development profiles for testing through apple dev center
  • nulonulo Member Posts: 315
    the software is exactly the same. the difference is that you can test your app on the gamesalad viewer. and also publish stuff to the app store.
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