State of GameSalad on 10-2-2013

CodeWizardCodeWizard Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 1,143
Remember to keep an eye on the roadmap page for the latest details on what we're up to in the kitchen!

We're currently focused on a few things: bug fixes for 0.10.4b, getting the nightly build machine well oiled, QA testing out of nightly builds, turning on Amazon IAP / GameCircle features, and engine optimizations. But, you could tell that from the roadmap page, right? Sure you could!

Some pretty cool news is that we're integrating Chartboost and RevMob into the engine to replace Mobclix. We'll roll these features out to free users first and quickly follow up with Pro support. Keep your eye on the roadmap for more details.

Finalizing async multiplayer for release in nightlies is still waiting on contract stuff. Good news is that we have a contract to finalize. Bad news is that we're having "fun" tweaking and finalizing it. I wish I had a more definitive ETA. Boo for lawyering! :D


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