Who Would Like An iTunes App Review? :D
Hi Guys,
Firstly this is a review for a review offer, paid apps are welcome, however I am willing to pay for the first 50 paid games (at tier 1 only), and I will only leave honest positive reviews 3 stars +
I am trying my best to push Brave Bit up the charts, and now I believe I need to accumulate as many reviews as I can. You all know there are services out there, however I would much rather support other Gamesalad developers out there then sell out, and cheat the system!
Don't get me wrong, I am not asking for 5 star reviews, much rather honest and positive reviews, however if you feel you cannot award 3 stars or more please contact me and let me know what you think the game is lacking, or areas on which I can improve the game.
Brave Bit iTunes Link -
Firstly this is a review for a review offer, paid apps are welcome, however I am willing to pay for the first 50 paid games (at tier 1 only), and I will only leave honest positive reviews 3 stars +
I am trying my best to push Brave Bit up the charts, and now I believe I need to accumulate as many reviews as I can. You all know there are services out there, however I would much rather support other Gamesalad developers out there then sell out, and cheat the system!
Don't get me wrong, I am not asking for 5 star reviews, much rather honest and positive reviews, however if you feel you cannot award 3 stars or more please contact me and let me know what you think the game is lacking, or areas on which I can improve the game.
Brave Bit iTunes Link -
Just a heads-up about the reviews that are already on the app store for your game - I'm presuming they're from people you know because they're just too positive! When I see the phrases in your games' reviews like 'mind boggling', 'this is a must buy', 'breath of fresh air' it's just too over the top that I know it's probably not a genuine review, and it would put me off taking a look at the game to be honest.
Most real players aren't quite so over-the-top vocal, even if they do love your game, so I'd try and discourage that style of reviewing personally.
Yeah I think those kind of reviews are people just trying to help, but in reality they might actually be hindering a little bit because they sound like they're just your mates boosting your reviews for you!
I'll check it out later, good luck
Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/doodle-ball/id674615856?mt=8&uo=4
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.BjandthekatzStudios.DoodleBall
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Need Help? Email Me | Templates | Full Game Source Code
@bjandthekatz Thanks alot!
I've been monitoring my progress using appannie and have noticed that the curve is just starting to dip, so I've now set it to Tier 1 (69p), which will take effect on the 17th September! SO make sure you get it while its FREE!!!
Shape Assassin by operation thirteenOne