Improved Website!

WeswogWeswog Member Posts: 1,171
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
I have recently finished my website and improved it alot.
Please tell me what you think:)

Cheers, Weswog


  • goliathgoliath Member Posts: 1,440
    It seems pretty cool. Have you ever used blogger or wordpress? I think wordpress is the best and they have a TON of different themes you can use.

    Here are some of my sites using wordpress:

    Let me know if you have any questions...
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    looks nice and clean and apple---eee...

    mine is far for messy...

    like that you have 3 apps.... look forward to being able to show off a few more myself...
  • WeswogWeswog Member Posts: 1,171
    Thanks Guy's for the feedback and also nice websites goliath and I haven't used any blogger websites to make websites and can't wait to see your new apps draper3000:)

    Cheers, Weswog
  • goliathgoliath Member Posts: 1,440
    Wes at least give them a try, you may like them.

    I think wordpress is very good but it make take a week or so to get it down. Feel free to email me.
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