Serpento Snake template

With this awesome Game Salad template you can design your own levels and become one. Simply copy a level template (7 included) and drag in apples, auto spawning apples, walls, poison frogs and portals where you want them. You can make the levels as easy or difficult as you want. All art is included, if you want you can make your own and replace it. There are notes with explanations and almost every rule and attribute has an explanation. Nothing stands in your way to be a game developer anymore! Build, test and sell!

Retro gaming doesn't get any better. The Serpento Snake template has awesome pixel-art and old-school gameplay. You can choose of 4 control types:
• Swipe gesture (swipe in the direction you want the snake to go)
• On screen Directional keys
• Half-screen (tap on the left half of the screen to go left and right to go right)
• Arrow keys (for desktop games)

The snakes speed is adjustable. You can have the snake move slow, medium and fast with the speedo button. Replay levels you have played before in the level picker. Pause the game by holding the snake. In-game High scores are saved automatically.

Soon (or already?) on Gamesalad Marketplace!

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