Pop It Up! Available On App Store.

OnimeStudioOnimeStudio Member Posts: 8
edited July 2013 in Announce Your Game!
Enjoy the great experience that offers Pop It Up! Where you will test your skills and abilities making them known around the world.

All fans of touchscreen devices will test how nimble are exploding bubbles with the Play Game mode. This mode will test the agility and pulse of the users trying to exploit different forms nascent bubbles.

Also be tested the speed and skill of the users in the Pop It Up Master Mode. Where the bubbles bouncing from side to side as quickly prove that you are with your touchscreen device counterclockwise.

In Arcade Mode users not only demonstrate that they are as agile or fast, but also their intelligence and visual skills. Combining color and correct amount of diamonds to move to another gem against the clock.

Those who show greater agility speed and skill will be placed in our great leadership table with users around the world!

Pop It Up has the following features:

- Easy gameplay for all audiences.
- Integrated Store
- Direct contact in GameCenter
- The most modern leadership table
- Sounds, Music and spectacular graphics.
- List of objectives.
- Modes of games with unique ideas.

Note: This game has direct links to pages Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OnimeStudio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OnimeStudio
Page: https://www.onimestudio.com

FREE Version: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pop-it-up-free/id674318508?l=es&ls=1&mt=8

PAID Version: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pop-it-up./id674536683?l=es&ls=1&mt=8


Please Let Your Opinion And If You Like The Game Share, Review On The AppStore, Thanks Community!.


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