DUDE CAT! Our first game, out meow!

8bitninja8bitninja Member Posts: 367
edited July 2013 in Announce Your Game!
Hi everyone,
Im proud to finally introduce our first game - DUDE CAT!
My wife and I worked very hard on this and we hope you all enjoy it.


“It’s alien cats
on acid!”
(We just made that up.)
But just look at DUDE CAT! -
six long and hypnotizing levels of
cute (yet evil) kitties, all sorts of lasers,
and exploding hotdogs, on top of a bonus
endless mode! And did we mention the
sweet sweet soundtrack? Saving the
Universe has never felt so awesome!

Whether you’re a bored nine year old or just
a non-seizure prone hipster, this game will
deliver hours of fun, techno, and fluorescent
graphics that will keep you wanting more.
Hence, the endless mode!
The HD universal version is $0.99 on the
iTunes app store. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dude-cat!/id655656839?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo=4


Thanks for checking
out our game!
Alx & Bo (BRUNKT)


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