App rejected, won't run, but seems fine here?

SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
Herro! I've just had my Universal Binary rejected by Apple because they say that it won't go further than the splash screen. However, I've tested Ad Hoc on several devices and all seems fine over here.
There are suggestions within the Resolution Centre that suggest using Xcode to build a version of the app that is even closer to the one that they are actually testing. Obviously, we can't do that with Game Salad, so I'm a bit stumped as to what to do next. Any suggestions?
I'm half tempted to simply rebuild on GS Publish and resubmit, unchanged, and just see if it works this time?
Any help gratefully received.


  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    edited July 2013
    Hmm. hard to say what it was tested on, on their end or if there could have just ben a hiccup during the process. What device/s did you built it for and test it on? I imagine if it worked on your test devices (or beta tester devices), it may be okay and something either happened with the data you submitted or the "tester" on Apple's end was not thorough enough (hey, it happens). I'd give your last build another test on a few devices just to be sure.

    Is there anything else like adds after the splash screen that might not be triggering properly?
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    what devices did you test on?
    what os level are you supporting?

    those are the two things I'd focus on. when publishing you can set the min os. maybe set it to iOS 6 to get rid of all the older devices?
  • SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
    Cheers RP, yeah, they let me know what they tested on - new iPad and new iPhone, running 6.1.3 and 6.1.4. Similar to what I'm testing on. Also, nothing unusual after the splash screen, just goes straight to the game.
    I'm going for a rebuild and we'll see!
  • SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
    Yes Jon, I've already had to drop support for iOS 5, as it simply crashes out on anything lower than 6 :L
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