mobile marketing
I was wondering if anyone has used these guys: redacted
and if so, did it lead to a significant increase in sales???
I was wondering if anyone has used these guys: redacted
and if so, did it lead to a significant increase in sales???
This discussion has been closed.
I'd stay away as well. They've tried contacting me many times through my "Contact Us" Button and they're pretty spammy.
EDIT: After seeing a real representative, they seem like sincere guys, and I'd be fine doing business with them
15 years old | Half Baked Productions | PetRun 2.0 - Classic Features. Redesigned
It's Thursday's at 6pm GMT | 2pm PST
if you visit: and type appdevchat you can see some of yesterday's conversation... The makers of Grav were talking about marketing their game.
I hope this helps
Much appreciated @debugdesign. We don't take negative feedback personal but I do disagree with the assessment here. Of course I'm biased but it's kinda funny that we're working around the clock for indie devs and once in a blue moon we get stuff like this that pops up. At any rate we do have several successful indies such as My Virtual Girlfriend and on our App Collage as well as several returning customers so we must be doing something right. Hehe.
Imagine if 5,000 indie devs stood up all at once! That's what our app collage is about. Join us @ (Redacted). This is an opportunity for smaller developer companies to mass market their apps in a large group effort to possibly down the line gain serious mainstream media attention. If you remember the milliondollarhomepage concept then you will recognize our app collage with the main difference being we're not collecting & marketing internet random companies, we're exclusively helping independent developers for iOS, Google Play, (PC, Steam, & Desura, COMING SOON.) games / apps. At $0.10 a pixel we're also pricing the app collage directly for independent developers budgets. We know this because we are also indie developers. With any order over at our app collage your game or app will receive some form of additional review whether it's a written review with screenshots or a professional video demo review of your app in action. It's taken us quite some time to build a name for ourselves and we have a huge fan base as well as targeted followers & Facebook friends that are interested specifically in apps & tech stuff. We're also in the process of revamping our website to make it insanely interactive for visitors & other developers to give feedback on our reviews as well as complete reviews themselves to see how ensure indie apps can evolve into a high valued app that will increase downloads as much as possible. App value & visibility are the 2 main components of succeeding in the App Store in today's crowded market. Join us today.
Is it necessary that such individuals have a byline stating their interests to a company seeking avoid any spamming getting into the conversation?
@MonsterMike made his affiliation clear which is the right thing to do. I am just starting to wonder about some of the others starting to appear on here. Or does the forum naturally flush them out?
I would hope the mods wipe them out. I started off, & still am an indie dev myself with a cool little note-taking app with a sense of humor so I can understand from a dev point of view in terms of spammy posts from marketing companies that seem suspect. I simply jumped on this thread to kinda bring to light that Monster Mobile Marketing is sincerely trying to help indie devs and seeing a few comments on here that seemed a bit of base. Heck we've already given away a MacBook Pro to one of our App Collage members. We certainly don't claim to be App Advice, 148apps, or any of the other large review companies however we are legit, hard working, and in it for the long haul. Being an indie dev myself I can see the view of being skeptical when it comes to review sites reaching out to developers. My 2nd project did quite well in the App Store but I think a lot of devs expect their apps to auto pilot sell themselves in order to become an instant hit of some sort with nothing more than social media networking. Going back to the comment @sladak had made in regards to us being amateur as well as @uptimistik, the moderator no less, I can tell by their apps that we're really being judged by some pros here. The fact of the matter is especially for such an overcrowded category like games on a mobile device, smaller app companies need a valued app as well as PR in order to even begin thinking success. Half the reason for our review site and app collage being specifically aimed at indie devs is because we know all to well that large companies normally don't respond to indie devs at all for the most part. @sladak must know this as well just by looking through their Twitter feed tweeting at these companies only to receive no response. Overall we're just a 2 man company that are passionate about promoting the million apps that aren't named Angry Birds and with 64 current members on our App Collage with some well known indies being present we respectfully disagree with the amateur suggestion. We certainly respect the opinions from above comments and appreciate the feedback but in turn I decided to kick in my 2 cents as well. Enjoy the weekend all.
Maybe I was being a little too critical. Now that I know who you guys are, you seem much more legitimate and I'll be sure to contact you if I need any help
BTW, I updated my original post to include what I have just said. Sorry that I was so judgmental before knowing the full story
15 years old | Half Baked Productions | PetRun 2.0 - Classic Features. Redesigned
After hearing you guys on the GS forum I would like to wish you the best of luck with your business.
What games have you built?
iPuzzledYa but it's no longer on the App Store (I'm sure you can google it though), Notes on a Roll is currently live as well as the lite version on the App Store, and my other project was a sweet security app on Cydia called iLockout. iLockout was pulled down because it was being stolen from other sources at a very fast rate. If your jailbroken and have certain sources, then you can see for yourself because they're still on there just not my paid copy. Here's an article I wrote on the iLockout mess from the good folks over at App Developer Magazine. (I'd post the link but you have to be a subscriber)
Tough image to pull from Facebook from the article showing numbers and all but have at it. You should be able to read it though.
Well I see the link didn't pull the photo as it should. Go to that link and scroll to May 29th and the 3 photos are there.