Using Video Templates to market game apps
Do you think it's a good idea to use a pre-made video template? I can't afford to hire a video production house so I thought this would be a good route to take. Thoughts on this? Would you guys use one?
Note: I would be able to add my own images/video, text and music so it has its own custom feel to it.
Note: I would be able to add my own images/video, text and music so it has its own custom feel to it.
I've used them before, and I used to do motion graphics and video for a living. Can't stand doing it, so I use templates from time to time. Takes a long time to do a good video trailer with eye catching motion graphics. If you like it, and it works for you, then I say go for it.
A part of me thinks video marketing is important for my game so why not use it if I can get more conversion rates from it, right?
Then another part of me wonders, will that be a turn off if someone watches my trailer knowing it's a template. Will they over look the template and focus on the game video footage. Any feedback on this?
Having a video of any sort for your game would be more beneficial than having none at all. If impressing motion graphics people is important then using a template probably won't achieve that, but for most of the people watching who just want to check out your game I think having a fairly pro looking video would be a good move, even if it is based on a template.
And I guess depending on the template and how much of your own work you put in to it, you might be able to alter it enough that it's harder to recognise anyway.
The only concern is the reviewers pick up on these things, but if its a good game people will look past it. It's really not that big of deal. Some people on these forums have fallen for this thing of "you have to make good videos and I was in the film industry I know blah blah blah". Lets just say that even after all those fancy effects ect their games aren't successful. It's the game, not the cover up used to make it look better than what it really is.
In fact, I did a quick youtube search on game trailers and some of them look alot alike minus the video footage of the game and text, so it doesn't seem that far off from templates even if they got it custom made.