Just a heads up about your artwork. Always make sure you have created something new and not copied someone else.... Like cut the rope. I never forget a bee and the bee in the first post is a bit too similar to the ones found in cut the rope. Just a heads up incase you werent aware. Not saying you copied just an observation I made.
@123App He actually made the bee. I'm sure it was modeled after the bee from Cut the Rope, but if you look closely at the eyes, he made it. A bee is a bee, I doubt it will cause much controversy.
@DreamLab It's not a big deal but as feedback i could prove useful in some way. but last year someone did the same thing and copied the bee but added an extra two legs or something. His app was taken down. It was only bought up for the soul intention that I don't want to see a game get taken down when it could be avoided.
@123App: Thanks for your "warning". I will look at the 'Cut the Rope', which I haven't. But the bee was drawn from the start. And a bee can't look that much different I think. My two insects are choosed from my kids, and drawn afterwards :-) But thank you again.
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All the best with it, looking great.
As for the game, keep up the good work!
But thank you again.