A question of morals

DankStewDankStew Member Posts: 36
Hey there, I have a game I'm working on, and for the background I want to use the background from iBooks in portrait (blank page with the book outline across the top, side and bottom).

I am wondering if this is something I should just make myself or can I keep the altered screen capture I took from my iPad I've been using.



  • DankStewDankStew Member Posts: 36
    Aww, I meant Classics in the first option for the poll
  • nulonulo Member Posts: 315
    i haven't seen your image. but SPECIALLY if its a screen capture of something from apple, i would not use it. if they reject apps with "pad" on the name, imagine something that uses a screen capture of one of their products.
    actually, just create everything yourself and you wont have to worry about anything.
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