Pro Upgrade Didn't Change from Standard...

ronnyg12ronnyg12 Member Posts: 5
Hello, I just joined GS today and tried figuring out some intro pointers via the tutorials. I liked what I saw and paid for the pro upgrade and yet, when I open the Gamesalad Creator Software, it doesn't look like the startup screen in the tutorials. Also, after I upgraded, I don't see any changes to my features. In the software creator of the dropdown menu when I click on my user name in the top right hand corner, the first option says "Upgrade to Pro."

My thoughts is that the upgrade hasn't completed yet or automatically changed my software yet? I'm not sure... Like I said earlier, this is my first day of using this.

I am having trouble finding the screen that gives the options for all the different types of game modes/maps. Please help as I am very excited to start using this software!



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