Sneak peak at some cheeky references from my upcoming game!
See if you can work out who these advertisments are referring to!
All of these are actual in-game adverts that will appear in my current project, to be revealed soon!

A small tribute to those who inspire me!
All of these are actual in-game adverts that will appear in my current project, to be revealed soon!

A small tribute to those who inspire me!
2- @tshirtbooth
4- @GameSalad (or @SaladStraightShooter)
Did I get them all right
Whoops, my eyes skipped over one
#3 is @Socks (and everybody under that is moved one, because I skipped Socks)
How about now?
Is that all of them...
At last ! Fame !! Wahhhyyyyeeeehhhhyy !!
Ah! The glorious world of the sock trade, the cut and thrust, the adventure, the intrigue.
That my friend, would be telling!
It looks interesting and want to know
My previous big project, Smart Candy was launched over Christmas, but the sheer scale and ambition of this game puts all of my other games to shame!
Working title: My Road Trip: Adventure
And a generic racing game.
But that's it for spoilers!
On a side note, has anyone seen T-Shirt Booth about lately? He seems to have avoided the forums recently.
Yeah...last I heard of him was when he sent me a PM 2 weeks ago...where has our Tshirtbooth gone??
Oh, dear me! I hope the king is ok from his encounter with The Sous Chefs . For those of you who don't know, The Sous Chef are a rebel militant group that dwell in the King Chakku Mtn. Range of His Majesty's kingdom, The GameSalad Forums , taking hostages whenever they can.
Last I heard of him, @tatiang had him at gunpoint on DeadKing's Peak He somehow escaped, but is now wandering aimlessly, blinded (literally) by the snow. I sure hope he finds his way back to the throne... [-O<
[King :-?? ] Chakku
You guys are already fully integrated! Some actually play a key role in the main story line, whilst some offer support and side missions to the player. Others are simply annoying or cryptic NPC's that offer really sarcastic and/or useless information.
I try to reflect people as best I can! Haha!
and now I'm hungry too..
Your character is a washed up pop start needs a new town in which to start his new life! He even has his own missions for the player!
Your NPC is the owner of a butchers, whose business is failing. The player needs to use the sausage advert to encourage more people into the store!
Disclaimer: Free Sausages not included