You are not a valid GS user

SirioGarciaSirioGarcia Member Posts: 52
Hi! Everyone;

I have this message when I'm trying upload my binary with GS Creator, "You are not a valid GS user", someone have any information about it?

Thank You! •Ω•


  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    edited March 2013
    Yes, read the forums there are tons of thread about this, its a problem it will probably be fixed soon.

  • SirioGarciaSirioGarcia Member Posts: 52
    Ok Thank you Roy!
  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,135
    The login issue has been fixed. Please try publishing again.

    There was a strange login bug related to a security upgrade we did recently. In testing we made a bad assumption that logging into the site would work the same as logging in with the tool.

    We've fixed the bug so that login will work correctly now. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  • SirioGarciaSirioGarcia Member Posts: 52
    I was trying, but I am receiving the same Message... •Ω•
  • SirioGarciaSirioGarcia Member Posts: 52
    Thank you adent42, now it is working again! Ω•Ω
  • glyniusglynius Member Posts: 231
    problem solved for me, thanks GS
  • edubuddhaedubuddha Member Posts: 3
    I unfortunately continue to have troubles.. Tried loggin on thru pc/mac. But system logs me in and logs out again.. Especially when I move from forum to marketplace or vice versa..

    Please help

    A frustrated user
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