Running GS from a portable HD

SylonSylon Member Posts: 31
edited November -1 in Tech Support

I wanted to know if it was possible to run GS from a dedicated portable (external) HD. My Mac is dead but I have 24hr access to a Mac at an artists commune I belong to. I won't be able to install GS on there permanently because they aren't my computers, but I want to use them in the mean time.


  • iDeveloperziDeveloperz Member Posts: 1,169
    You can export the game onto a memory stick and play it. But without installing GS you cant edit the game. :)

    Edit: Drag and drop GS onto the memory stick. And run it off there.
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    You can run a mac from an external drive so long as the drive has the OS on it therefore you can also have GS on that drive. I have not tried it but heard it will also work if the drive does not have the OS. I believe you hold down command c at start Up the mac that your drive is connected to then the loaner mac will boot from the external
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