HELP me start up my website!! thnx

stackpoolestackpoole Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaMember, PRO Posts: 473
edited February 2013 in Non-GS Game News
Hi everyone,
I'm attempting to create a user based website like fmylife, but it's called AWWKS where users can send in "awwkward" moments or stories (stories end in AWWKS like in, stories end in FML).

Keep in mind I didnt base my idea around, but simply liked their ideas and incorporated it into my ideas, sharing awkward moments and stories!

Please help me firstly, but liking my facebook page or following my twitter page.
I prefer fb at the moment, simply because i need 25 likes to have a "username" (and can therefore get started on an app made with gs)

Thanks everyone!!

Sydney Swans 2014!!

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